We are changing to a new online booking system, which will be in place by Feb 1, 2025.
My regular family practice patients can book appointments online at the
We are changing to a new online booking system, which will be in place by Feb 1, 2025.
My regular family practice patients can book appointments online at the
CBT for anxiety disorders
I am accepting a limited number of new patients for CBT at this time. My CBT practice is limited to the treatment of anxiety disorders and OCD.
If you are looking for CBT for an anxiety disorder, send an email to [email protected]
New Family Practice Patients
I am currently not accepting new patients in my family practice.
If you are looking for CBT for an anxiety disorder, send an email to [email protected]
New Family Practice Patients
I am currently not accepting new patients in my family practice.
After Hours Care
I am part of a Family Health Organization (FHO), a group of doctors who share on-call and cover each others’ practices. On weekday evenings from 5 to 8, and on Saturdays and Sundays, one of the doctors in our group is in his her own office and is available to see you for urgent medical matters. The doctors' offices are in the Bathurst and St. Clair area, and on Yonge St. After providing medical care to you, they will fax a summary to us to put in your chart.
This is available to you if you are registered with me as a regular family practice patient.
If you have an urgent medical matter and my office is not open, you have access to this service. Please use this instead of walk-in clinics.
Call 647-348-0514 to find out which doctor's office is open on a given day.
You can also get telephone health advice from a nurse 24 hours a day at 1-866-553-7205. The nurse sends a summary to our office the next day.
Contact the office
For my regular family practice patients, please call 416-483-8111 to contact the office.
My CBT patients can contact me at [email protected]
For my regular family practice patients, please call 416-483-8111 to contact the office.
My CBT patients can contact me at [email protected]